These are materials from Past Learning Community Events and other additional resources that could be helpful for you. We hope they will be useful not only as you complete the Path of Distinction in Medical Education, but also as you continue your career in medical education.
Educator Portfolio Handout (Word Doc Download) This is a template developed by the American Pediatrics Association that helps you to plan out, track, and continue to develop your professional educator portfolio.
Teaching Style for Teaching Philosophy Handout (Word Doc Download) This document helps you to reflect on your beliefs about education as well as helps you think about styles of teaching.
Signed student/mentor agreement form (PDF) This is a required agreement to be submitted with your Project Proposal on SMApply.
AAMC Presentation Skills Toolkit for Medical Students (Website) This is a toolkit for medical students to provide resources to build your skills in developing and delivering formal lectures & presentations, posters & abstracts, patient presentations, and leading small groups.
Current Available Projects (Google Sheet) These are scholarly medical education projects submitted by departments and faculty.
Examples of Teaching Philosophies from University of Washington. Examples 1 and 8 are recommended.
Examples of Scholarly Medical Education Projects:
- LGBTQ+ Health Coverage in the UWSMPH Phase 1 curriculum: A SWOT Analysis
- Timeline of Burnout in Phase 1 Medical Students at UWSMPH
- Back in the Anatomy Lab: Evaluating Student Preparedness and Proficiency in the Clinical Anatomy & Radiology Selective
Blooms Taxonomy Objective Word List (Word Doc Download) is a useful tool for writing learning objectives. This list breaks down verbs to use, appropriate situations for the verbs and potential activities that would show the knowledge of the learning objective.
While each student’s path may look different, here are some examples of timelines by year that will help you complete the path of distinction on time.
- Using a Shapiro Project for your Medical Education Project
- Doing a Medical Education Project that is Not a Shapiro Project
M1 Year
- Complete the Declaration of intent
- Attend at least 2 Learning Community Events
- Submit Project Proposal and mentor agreement
- Complete Foundations of Educational Scholarship ELOs
- Find Education Based Shapiro Project
M2 Year
- Complete Shapiro Project
- Attend at least 2 learning community events
- Complete foundations of teaching and learning ELOs
M3 year
- Plan for Dissemination of Project
- Attend at least 2 Learning Community Events
M4 Year
- Attend at least 2 learning community events
- Take Teaching Elective
- Disseminate project
- Complete Teaching Artifacts
- Complete Application in SMApply with Revised teaching Philosophy and Post Survey
M1 Year
- Complete the Declaration of intent
- Attend at least 2 Learning Community Events
M2 Year
- Attend at Least 2 Learning Community Events
- Complete Foundations of Teaching and Learning ELOs
- Start Planning for an Educational Project – Identify Mentor and Project at the beginning of the year
- Complete Foundations of Educational Scholarship ELOs
M3 year
- Start your Education Project
- Take Teaching Elective
- Complete Teaching Artifacts
- Plan for Dissemination of Project
- Attend at least 2 Learning Community Events
M4 Year
- Complete Education Project
- Disseminate Project
- Attend at least 2 Learning Community Events
- Complete Teaching Artifacts
- Complete Application in SMApply with Revised Teaching Philosophy and Post Survey
Please make sure to reach out if you have any questions to Katy Rosko